Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Week 6: Thing #13 - More Great Ways to Share

On my blog about Thing 11, I talked about the great ways Web 2.0 allows educational professionals to share their resources and ideas. Of course, the sharing is not limited to just teachers, and the Del.icio.us bookmarking tool is a perfect example.

I started using Del.icio.us a couple of years ago. At first, I was only sharing amongst myself; I used it so that whether I was at school, at home, or on someone's computer - I could have access to all my favorite sites. It didn't take me long to realize that it was the perfect tool to use with my students. As I am always creating Pathfinders of resources for various class units, I used to have to go in and update each Pathfinder site as I discovered new websites. But Del.icio.us has this great, little widget called a linkroll. Not only can you display your widget on your website, wiki, blog, or whatever - but you can limit the bookmarks to certain tags. So, on my Pathfinder for the World Cultures unit on China, I have a linkroll embedded for just my bookmarks tagged "China". Every time I add a China site to my Del.icio.us account, it automatically shows up on my Pathfinder. How great is that?

As an example, here's a linkroll on my bookmarks tagged "Web 2.0". By the way, that first one listed is the latest one I added and one I learned thanks to this class! I found it on fellow blogger's site , Considerations 2.0!:

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